Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Marcus Garvey - 752 Words

Marcus Garvey â€Å"Final Exam† Marcus Garvey, was born in Jamaica in 1887 and is considered to be the father of the Black Nationalism Movement. During the early 1900’s, after reading Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery, Garvey pledged to organize Blacks throughout the world with an agenda of Black unity and pride. Moreover, Garvey achieved his greatest influence in the Untied States where there was a growing ambition among Blacks for justice, wealth, and a sense of community. From the time of World War I, up until the mid-1920’s, Gravey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association(UNIA) was the largest Black organization in African-American history. An estimated million men and women from the United States, the Caribbean, and†¦show more content†¦In addition, black soldiers were told that when they return home they should not expect the same privileges they enjoyed aboard. When the war ended in 1919, the African-American community was outraged. Their soldiers were not shown any type of gratitude. Instead, they were the victims of violence. For example, of the seventy-five Blacks lynched in 1919, ten were World War I veterans. The disappointment that World War I left on the Black community served as fuel for the fire Garvey’s radical movement. Soon after World War I, Garvey concluded that the anger that engulfed many Black communities after the war could be used as a catalyst to end both imperialism in Africa and discrimination in the United States. He combined the economic nationalist ideas of Booker T. Washington with various Pan-Africanist idealists of the time. Garvey’s goals were modern and urban. He wanted to end imperialist rule and create modern societies in Africa. He formed black communities on three continents with his newspaper the â€Å"Negro World ,† and in 1919 he established the Black Star Line, an international shipping company to provided transportation and encourage trade among the Blacks in Africa and Blacks in the United States. In the same year he founded the Negro Factories Corporation to establish suchShow MoreRelatedEssay On Marcus Garvey1022 Words   |  5 PagesMidterm Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the Visionary Roosevelt Hawkins, Jr Black Political Social History Dr. Luckett October 11, 2017 Roosevelt Hawkins Black Political and Social History Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the Visionary Who is arguably the father of 20th century Black Nationalism? Some may think of the leader W.E.B. Dubois or even Malcolm X as being the father. Truth be told, the term â€Å"Black Nationalism† boils down to one person. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr is his name. 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